

Hello everybody and welcome to our blog for Euroscola contest 2016. 
We are 10 students in the IES Arcipreste de Canales, in Recas, a small village near Toledo in Castilla La-Mancha region.  Our class is taking part in this contest together with our English and History teachers Marta and Laura. 

In this blog we will upload the activities, articles, photos and videos. Hope you enjoy it. 



We are 10 students in the high school Arcipreste de Canales, in Recas.  Here we will briefly introduce ourselves:

MARIO (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is the team coordinator.)

DANIEL (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Palomeque. He is the blog's manager and     he is the movie maker expert)

JESÚS (He is sixteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is a social media expert and he     does activities to disseminate our project.)

ALEJANDRO (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is a social media expert and he does activities to disseminate.)

ÁNGEL (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Palomeque. He is a blog's manager and he is the movie maker expert.)

ADRIÁN (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is the photography and video expert.)

SERGIO (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is the technology expert and he is the stadistics expert.)

RAÚL (He is sixteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is the English expert and he is the history or social science expert.)

NICOLÁS (He is sixteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is the  English expert and he is the history or social science expert.)

MARIO ALONSO (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Palomeque. He is the Spanish expert, the technology expert and the stadistics expert.)



Thanks to EU policy, the last 20 years have seen considerable progress in Europe's transport sector, leading to:
  • Safer skies, seas and roads
  • Decent working hours for people working in the transport industry
  • More transport choices for travellers & businesses
  • Less pollution
Technological progress towards cleaner transport

In the wood factory where Jose Ramón Ortiz Serrano works INFER in Cubas de la Sagra some years ago they demanded some mechanic tools to the government for move the most heaviest wood pieces. Months later the government of Spain brought to the factory two mechanical arms for transport the wood, that arms were financiated by EU, by a fund for the wood and raw materials factories to improve theirs production. Those mechanic arms  have increased the production of the factory and also have improve the workers conditions that knowadays don have to ttransport the wood by themselves and their backs are now free for pains.



Last December we did a gymkana with many games for the children of the first curse in the Recas' football field. Here you can see some videos and pictures of the activity. The objectives of the activity were to promote our team in the social media, to disseminate our project with the rest of the school and to promote sports as values to integrate people of different nationalities. 
