


We are 10 students in the high school Arcipreste de Canales, in Recas.  Here we will briefly introduce ourselves:

MARIO (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is the team coordinator.)

DANIEL (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Palomeque. He is the blog's manager and     he is the movie maker expert)

JESÚS (He is sixteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is a social media expert and he     does activities to disseminate our project.)

ALEJANDRO (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is a social media expert and he does activities to disseminate.)

ÁNGEL (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Palomeque. He is a blog's manager and he is the movie maker expert.)

ADRIÁN (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is the photography and video expert.)

SERGIO (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is the technology expert and he is the stadistics expert.)

RAÚL (He is sixteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is the English expert and he is the history or social science expert.)

NICOLÁS (He is sixteen years old and he lives in Recas. He is the  English expert and he is the history or social science expert.)

MARIO ALONSO (He is fifteen years old and he lives in Palomeque. He is the Spanish expert, the technology expert and the stadistics expert.)

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